So here we are, Tuesday night, two days in to this incredible adventure, and I'm still having to remind myself to trust God with each step. To be honest, I woke up at 5:45 on Monday morning totally unable to go back to sleep because my mind was racing. I kept thinking, "What if I show up and they're like...Uhhhh what are you doing here?" I kept saying to myself, "You're really going to walk in there with no plan, no proof that YOU of all the sick people out there are the chosen 'special treatment' one."
Thoughts like this kept coming at me, trying to let fear take over, until I finally realized, "Yes. Yes I am going to walk in there with no plan other than trusting God, that this whole thing is actually real." Granted, I had the Doctor's personal vote of approval, but what if he forgot? What if he changed his mind? What if he really didn't expect me to take him up on it?
But that's the beauty of walking in a path laid out by the Lord and of having the assurance of that through the witness of his Spirit. All the what if's don't really matter. Romans 8:33 comes to mind:
Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies.
But those fears, those attacking thoughts have all been silenced. From the moment I walked in the clinic on Monday, I knew this was right. They actually said, "Hi Matt," as if they really WERE expecting if they KNEW me. Then I almost immediately went in to see the doctor who examined me, looked at my blood in a dark field microscope, and set up a plan for the coming weeks including medication/supplements and the "big gun" clinic treatments. Not only that, but he gave me a couple ozone knee injections right off the bat.
As I was sitting on his table, I said, "I can't tell you enough how thankful my wife and I are that I am here." And his reply was simple: "Hopefully you'll be more thankful by the time we're done."
From there I went to a far back room, by myself, because the IV room was already full. But soon a little older hobbling lady came in with a fire in her eyes and introducing herself as Linda. She said that she also has Lyme and that the doctor had sent her back to pray with me. Come to find out she actually goes to the doctor's church and loves teaching (used to teach at their church's school), loves the Book of Matthew movies with the really down to earth Jesus, etc.
When she first started coming to the clinic, one of the nurse's kids asked, "Dad, is that lady gonna die?" She could barely walk/move (sounds like places I've been), but now she's functioning and getting her life back.
And then, in came Frankie, the doctor's little dachshund, honorary member of the nursing staff. Apparently he roams freely around the office checking on patients as he pleases. I was hoping to get a picture of him today, but he wasn't there...sadly.
The rest of the day consisted of a series of treatments: IV antibiotics, Major Autohemotherapy, Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency Therapy, Ozone Insufflation, and STEM Muscle therapy. Today was pretty much the same, minus the Pulsed Frequency one, and with the addition of an ozone sauna session.
As if the welcome, the doctor's compassion, the little old lady being sent to pray with me, the dog all weren't enough to let me know that God is in this, I was pretty stunned by one of the other doctors. He was taking me to administer the autohemotherapy (which is drawing several ounces of blood, injecting it with ozone, and reintroducing it into the body) when he saw that the IV room was full again. But he was excited about that and told me, "Good, I can take you back to the back room without all the other distractions and I can ask you more questions." This isn't a nurse, this is another doctor wanting to pursue time with me to figure out my case. So he brought in my chart and we had basically an unscheduled office visit as he interviewed me about my health.
The sense I get is that these doctors really WANT me to be healed. They're going out of their way to make it happen. I am so thankful to have this new team of people fighting for me, with me.
How am I feeling after two days of this? Honestly it's too soon to put too much stock in feeling better or worse. Nevertheless I am feeling better now than I was when we started, no denying it. When I was done yesterday, I was surprised at how easily I was able to walk down to the beach up at Tahoe. It's been a couple months since I've been able to walk uneven terrain that quickly. Also, I didn't have any night sweats last night. That's been rare lately. So, small but good things.
I'll go into more detail about what the treatments actually are as the next couple of days unfold. As we keep going forward, could you keep praying?
1) For our family as we're separated from each other. It was already a busy time for us with VBS on the horizon, and with me being gone, it's even busier.
2) Honestly, I have the easy end of the deal. Corrie is keeping a lot of plates spinning back home and doing awesome with them, not to mention going solo with Rebecca for a few days. Please pray for her that God will meet her with more than she needs.
3) Please pray for Rebecca, that she won't miss Daddy too much and that she will be able to understand that it's actually good that Daddy's gone right now.
4) Please pray that they have a safe drive at the end of this week when they come to be with me.
5) And also, please pray that deep healing takes place in my body over the next couple weeks. That this would be a turning point for me. That my gait would normalize. That I would stand straighter. That my joints would recover. That my weight would increase. That my pain would go.
6) Lastly, please pray that somehow, our little family with our little story will be a blessing to the doctors, staff, and patients here. We hope that the fact that they blessed us by making a way for us to be here would actually turn around and bless them.
Thank you all for being with us. We KNOW that you are. You've made it very clear. Thank you.