Ear Infection
The week following Rebecca's neck getting healed, she got pretty sick with a nasty cold. It was hanging on for a while and then, one day, she started crying out of nowhere.
"What's wrong Rebecca?"
Through tears and a bit of panic, she replied, "My ear hurts really bad!"
Uh oh. Ear infection. Please no. She's never had one before, which has been great. Can we keep that streak alive still?
It was hurting her really bad and we had to do something for her, poor thing.
Corrie did some research for a few minutes, since, being health hippies, we weren't super excited about antibiotics. We found that breast milk can actually help ear infections (if you happen to be nursing currently). It's recommended to apply it every couple hours for 24 to 48 hours. That should help the infection subside.
Well, we didn't get a chance to go that long.
Corrie put some drops of milk in Rebecca's ear right then. When she was done, I put my hand on her ear and again, like with the neck thing, commanded the ear infection to leave in Jesus' name, because he loves her and paid the price for her body's redemption. Short. Simple.
Rebecca fell asleep for a short nap, tuckered out from the intense pain. She woke up fifteen minutes later, and the pain was completely gone. And it never came back!
Intense wrist pain
A few weeks ago, sometime in May, my mom came home from work with her wrist in intense pain. It was at the point where it would nearly prevent her from being able to work, since she works in a medical lab handling various instruments and blood samples, etc.
After some debate in my mind, I suggested that we pray for it.
Corrie, Rebecca, and I gathered around and commanded healing in Jesus' name. And then asked my mom if she felt anything.
Nope. Nothing. Still hurt.
We tried again, and again...nothing.
Hmmm. Oh well. We tried. Maybe we would be able to try again later.
But for now, Corrie had to go to a meeting and I had to take Darcy into her room to go to sleep. So Rebecca and my mom were hanging out just the two of them for a couple minutes.
When Darcy had fallen asleep, I emerged from her room to hear this report from Rebecca:
"Dad, I prayed for grandma again in her bathroom."
"What did you pray?"
"I said, 'Pain leave grandma's hand. Be healed in God's name, in Jesus' name."
So precious.
"And guess what, Dad? When I was done praying, her face was like this." Rebecca demonstrated for me a face with wide eyes and open mouth, full of excitement and shock. "And she said that her wrist felt better. Like it was healed! And now when I'm telling you about it, Dad, it makes me want to cry."
Incredible! First of all, what a precious girl. Second of all, I love that Jesus loves Rebecca so much that he uses her willingness to work a miracle.
Later that night, the pain came back for a little while. But it left again on its own shortly after and, as far as I know, hasn't come back since.
Headache and Nausea
A few days after this wrist fun--on Memorial Day actually--my mom woke up feeling as if she had gotten food poisoning (how she described it). She had a terrible headache that was coupled with pretty extreme nausea. The two would intensify when she stood up. So she was pretty much lying down all morning.
Corrie and I were going to have some friends over, but were wondering if we shouldn't just in case this thing was the flu We didn't want to be spreading that to the poor unsuspecting family!
But mid-morning came and we went to my mom's room where she was incapacitated, sitting on the floor leaning back against her bed.
Together, we decided to pray for her. I put my hand on her head and commanded the headache and nausea to leave, regardless of the cause (flu, food poisoning, etc.).
When we were done, I asked my mom if she felt anything, and she said that she felt a fluttering feeling in her stomach. Then, believing that Jesus had healed her, she stood up off the floor and walked around. Instead of feeling worse after standing, she was feeling better!
She slowly milled about her room and then slowly did a load of laundry. All the time her pain and nausea lessening. By the end of the day, after a long nap, it was gone completely and she was able to keep her plans to go visit her friends to celebrate the holiday!
For full disclosure, a couple days later, she was hit with a very bad headache (no nausea this time) and was laid up in bed for several days until visiting the ER and having a simple procedure done to fix the headache.
I don't know if this second round of headache was related to the first at all or not. To me it doesn't matter. We saw victory in that moment. The nausea and headache left when we stood in the power of Jesus and the authority he has given us. I don't know why the other headache came a few days later, and why it didn't leave when we prayed for it that time.
But each victory is worth celebrating as we keep pushing in to the kingdom and taking more and more of the promised land back from the enemy's hands.
The Dam is Breaking
Whether these instances seem small and trivial, or cool and significant, I know we're seeing more of Jesus' power. Corrie and I want so badly for this dam of healing to break and to see our lives and others' lives (through us) flooded with our Father's healing heart and power. So when we see the dam that's holding that healing flood back start to crack, it doesn't matter how big or small those cracks are...they are still cracks.
And when the dam starts cracking...